We got a later start to our day than usual. This seemed to happen whenever we leave town. No one wanted to get out of bed and no one wanted to get moving again. Our day wasn’t too difficult so we could afford to get a later start. The 17 miles we had to cover today took us to Cherry Gap shelter. We started by walking through a rhododendron tunnel which seemed to be the new theme. I was truly beginning to understand the term Green Tunnel. Not going to complain though because this meant we were blocked from the sun. Cool shade meant the world to a hiker on a hot day. Imagine climbing a mountain in the sun and how much you sweat. Now add a 35lb bag to your back. Not. Fun. When we finally made it to camp, it was already 7:45. I guess this was the downside of leaving town late. We weren’t going to get much time in camp. We quickly ate and pitched the tent and then I had to go get water. I had read through Guthooks that the shelter had water behind it so I followed a foot path down to the bottom of a marsh. I could hear and almost see the water flowing but all around me was just soggy grass. I took one step and my foot sunk down into the mud. I took another step trying to find higher ground and my foot sunk again. Now standing in shin deep mud, I paused and looked for the water. Nothing I can do about it now I guess. I thought to myself. I then proceeded to walk through the marsh to the little water source. I have to say for being in a marsh the water was pretty clean. I then began my climb back through the marsh and up the hillside to camp. “How’s the water?” Kyle asked. “Get ready for some marsh walking” I replied as I went back to camp.
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